10 Positions for Early-Stage Researchers in the RurAction project

The European Training Network RurAction (“Social Entrepreneurship in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Analysing Innovative Troubleshooters in Action”) announces 10 positions for Early-Stage Researchers with a strong interest in research about regional development, social entrepreneurship and social innovations. The positions last 36 months and can be carried out in leading research institutions and acknowledged social enterprises in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland and Portugal. More information on application requirements as well as on the conditions of the training programme is available here.

Offerta di posizione post-dottorato presso la Université de Genève

L’Università di Ginevra offre una posizione post-doc per la partecipazione al progetto di ricerca CAPA study (Learning Context and Academic Profile), che analizza le carriere occupazionali degli studenti della locale facoltà di medicina. La domanda, comprensiva di CV, lettera motivazionale e lista delle pubblicazioni, in francese o in inglese, va inviata a anne.baroffiobarbier@unige.ch. A questo indirizzo maggiori informazioni.

Assistant Professorship and Teaching and Research Associate positions available at the In­sti­tute for So­ci­ology and So­cial Re­search – WU Vienna

The In­sti­tute for So­ci­ology and So­cial Re­search is cur­rently in­vit­ing ap­plic­a­tions for a full­time Assist­ant Professor (post-­doc) or two 30 hours/week Teach­ing and Re­search As­so­ci­ate pos­i­tions (pre-­doc) in area of high rel­ev­ance for eco­nomic so­ci­ology or so­cioeco­nom­ics. Ap­plic­a­tion ma­ter­i­als can be sub­mit­ted on­line until 1st of March 2017. More info are available here.

Fellowships for Visiting Postdoctoral Researchers – Bamberg Graduate School for Social Sciences

The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences invites applications from young postdoctoral researchers who wish to complete a research stay at the Graduate School of two to six months in 2017 or 2018. Visiting postdoctoral fellows will have the opportunity to work on their own research projects which should fit into the academic profile of the Graduate School. The Graduate School offers a scholarship amounting to 1.853,00 EUR per month. The deadline for the submission of the application is Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Applications – which should includea motivation letter, a CV, a list of publications, and a description of the research project including a work schedule covering the duration of the stay – should be sent to postdocvisit.bagss@uni-bamberg.de. More info are available here.

Aperta una posizione per assistant professor in sociologia delle organizzazioni a Sciences PO

downloadSciences Po ha aperto una posizione di assistant professor (tenure track) in sociologia con un focus su strumenti e dinamiche organizzative. I candidati devono essere in possesso di un dottorato di ricerca e possono fare domanda inviando una mail a Olivier Borraz (olivier.borraz@sciencespo.fr), presidente del comitato di reclutamento e direttore di CSO, entro il 31 gennaio, 2017.

La mail deve contenere:

– Una lettera di accompagnamento, che comprende i futuri progetti di ricerca;
– CV e un elenco di pubblicazioni;
– 3 pubblicazioni;
– Una sinossi, e se possibile le valutazioni, dei corsi tenuti.
Per ulteriori informazioni si può andare al seguente link.

OECD Internship on Early Childhood Education and Care Project

oecdThe Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) team at the OECD’s Directorate for Education and Skills is seeking an intern to join them from October 2016 for four to six months (exact dates negotiable). The intern is required to be enrolled as a student and will receive a minimum expense allowance according to French law. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) has become a policy priority in many countries. This is in response to a growing body of evidence on the benefits of ECEC, including better child well-being and learning outcomes, especially for disadvantaged children; increased intergenerational social mobility; higher female labour market participation and gender equality; reduced child poverty; increased fertility rates; and better social and economic development for society at large.

The OECD has conducted reviews of ECEC policy challenges, which resulted in a series of publications: Starting Strong (2001), Starting Strong II (2006) and Starting Strong III: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care (2012) and Starting Strong IV: Monitoring Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care (2015). The team is currently working on a new publication to be released in 2017 on transitions from ECEC to primary schooling as well as on a large-scale international survey on ECEC staff which is currently under development and will be implemented in the next two years. Furthermore, a new strand of work on trade-offs and quality dimensions in ECEC is under preparation.

The intern will contribute to the following ECEC projects: 1) an international survey of ECEC staff (TALIS Starting Strong Survey) and 2) Policy Reviews on ECEC. Specific tasks to which the intern will contribute are:

Analyse and process qualitative and quantitative data for the Starting Strong V report on transitions, identify relevant sources, and contribute to drafting
Support the preparation, facilitation and follow-up actions for committee and working  group meetings and webinars
Peer-review technical and policy-oriented papers and reports
Help draft communication materials

Required skills:
strong analysis and synthesis skills, both regarding qualitative and quantitative information
demonstrated ability to draft in English
good oral communication skills (fluency in English)
ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
ability to work in a team
knowledge of and/or interest in early and primary education and/or family policies.

Candidates wishing to apply should send a CV, a brief cover letter (maximum 1 page) indicating the candidate’s interest and availability, and a writing sample to the ECEC team (email to:ecec@oecd.org>) by 22 August 2016.

Fondazione Feltrinelli: borse di ricerca disponibili

feltrinelliLa Fondazione promuove il presente bando per una borsa di studio finalizzata alla Comunicazione della ricerca di Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. La borsa, trasversale alle aree di ricerca della Fondazione, è destinata a un ricercatore che supporti la definizione del palinsesto editoriale e di comunicazione della ricerca, collaborando all’ideazione e alla realizzazione di progetti innovativi di divulgazione scientifica.

La durata della borsa è di dieci mesi (da settembre 2016 a giugno 2017), le domande dovranno pervenire alla Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli esclusivamente via email all’indirizzo ricerca@fondazionefeltrinelli.it entro le ore 14.00 del 3 agosto 2016 indicando nell’oggetto “Candidatura: comunicazione della ricerca”.

Per maggiori informazioni vai sul sito dell’iniziativa.