Work, Employment and Society, n. 1/2014

home_coverPubblicato il numero 1 del 2014 di Work, Employment and Society. Per accedere all’abstract degli articoli, è sufficiente cliccare sui singoli titoli.




Liberalization and institutional change

Hajo Holst, ‘Commodifying institutions’: vertical disintegration and institutional change in German labour relations

Tony Dundon, Tony Dobbins, Niall Cullinane, Eugene Hickland, Jimmy Donaghey, Employer occupation of regulatory space of the Employee Information and Consultation (I&C) Directive in liberal market economies

Andreas Kornelakis, Liberalization, flexibility and industrial relations institutions: evidence from Italian and Greek banking


Kyoung-Hee Yu, Re-conceptualizing member participation: informal activist careers in unions

Teresa Abada, Feng Hou, Yuqian Lu, Choice or necessity: do immigrants and their children choose self-employment for the same reasons?

Kim Mather, Roger Seifert, The close supervision of further education lecturers: ‘You have been weighed, measured and found wanting’

The critical realism debate (debates and controversies)

Andrew Brown, Critical realism in social research: approach with caution

Steve Fleetwood, Critical realism and systematic dialectics: a reply to Andrew Brown

Extended book review

Liz Oliver, Linda Dickens (ed.), Making Employment Rights Effective: Issues of Enforcement and Compliance

Book reviews

Janet Grace Sayers, Book review: Manuel Castells, Communication Power

Jeremy Aroles, Book review: Trebor Scholz (ed.), Digital Labor: The Internet as Playground and Factory

Michael Gill, Book review: Patricia H Thornton, William Ocasio and Michael Lounsbury, The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure, and Process

Leo McCann, Book review: Romit Dasgupta, Re-Reading the Salaryman in Japan: Crafting Masculinities

Manasi Dutt, Book review: Premilla D’Cruz, Workplace Bullying in India

Posted in 2014, Riviste.