Call for papers for a thematic issue in Paper in Political Economy: The challenges of inclusion across the life course

Call for papers for a thematic issue in Paper in Political Economy: “The Challenges of inclusion across the life course.” Edited by Marco Alberio and Diane-Gabrielle Trembly.

This call for papers focuses on ageing and the challenges related to the social and economic inclusion of the ageing population.In this issue of the journal we would like to adopt a life-course perspective to consider the different phases of life throughout individuals’ different ages.

The life course perspective (as opposed to the life cycle perspective or other approaches) invites us to consider events in the life course as having future implications, thus considering that events are intertwined and that an event or choice at a given point in the life course will have an impact on the rest of the life course (Bernard & Moulin, 2009; Bernard & Lebel, 2008; Bernard, 2007; McDaniel & Bernard, 2011).

Furthermore, we would like the texts proposed in this issue to address different spheres of life (reproductive and family life, working life, social relationships, community and engagement, etc.), within different phases of the life course, that contribute to shaping different ageing experiences. Papers should deal with the experiences of ageing and the social, economic, in-work or out-of-work situations of different age groups (ageing workers, recent retirees, the elderly population, etc.), their socioeconomic inclusion, as well as other specific issues such as social participation, etc.

Contributions may present theoretical or methodological reflections, empirical research results or case studies on specific social groups (including professional groups) or the experiences of the ageing population in given territories, using a political economy or socio-economics approach. Examples of topics that can be addressed include the following

  • Integration and social participation of the ageing population

  • Employment integration or retention: challenges and policy options

  • Income and poverty within the older population

  • Crises (economic, health, environmental, etc.) and ageing

  • Access to health and social services

  • Caregiver issues (for and by the elderly)

  • Territorial and living environment issues related to ageing

  • Reflections on the terminology and terms most often used (ageing, ageing population, elderly people, seniors, ageing workers, experienced workers, etc.)

  • Economic and social policies for the inclusion of the ageing population and workers

For more information look here

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