Conference and Special Issue Call For Papers | Prospects for a Post-Capitalist Future: Power, Resistance and Transformation

The coronavirus pandemic brought into sharp focus the myriad contradictions at the heart of contemporary capitalism. From anti-democratic politics and economic malaise, to mounting work-life conflicts, social unrest and ecological collapse, solving these challenges requires big thinking unrestrained by market orthodoxy. As liberal democratic capitalism loses legitimacy, authoritarian populists have increasingly gained power. In this context, the left finds itself at a strategic and political impasse seemingly unable to grasp the appetite for transformative change. Predominant political responses have appealed for a more conscientious and inclusive capitalism, yet many of these calls do little more than reproduce the status quo. In other words, they have sought to mitigate capitalism’s worst flaws, rather than advance a ‘postcapitalist’ future. These profound political limitations make the task of reorganizing society in more socially just and equitable ways all the more urgent.

Alternate Routes and the University of Bari invite individual paper and panel submissions for their latest conference and special issue Call For Papers. We encourage works that explore the role of individual and collective agency, normative and value transformations. Topics may include but are not limited to: Austerity and the State; Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Alternative Political Economies; Socio-Economic Restructuring and the Future of Work; Labour and Social Movements; Populism and Political Regroupment; Transnational Actors and Global Governance; Imperialism and Colonialism; Inequality and (De)Democratization; Climate Change and Just Transitions.

Organizers: Carlo Fanelli, York University; Heather Whiteside, University of Waterloo; Valeria Cirillo, University of Bari; Lidia Greco, University of Bari

Conference date: June 12-13, 2023

Conference place: University of Bari, Piazza Umberto I, 1, 70121 Bari BA, Italy

Deadline for submission: January 31st, 2023

To submit your proposal, please click HERE or visit A selection of papers will be considered as part of a special issue publication of Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research.

Conference Registration Fees: Permanent Faculty €200; Contract Faculty and Graduate Students: €150.

Inquiries can be sent to:

SEMINARIO | Mediterranean Capitalism Revisited, Doctoral School of Social Sciences of Trento University

Si segnala il quarto seminario 2022/2023 della Doctoral School of Social Sciences dell’Università di Trento. Il seminario si terrà il 15 December 2022 alle ore 14:00 in Aula Kessler, Department of Sociology and Social Research, via Verdi 26.


Speaker: Emmanuele Pavolini, University of Macerata


By examining and comparing such components as welfare, education and innovation policies, cultural dimensions, and labor market regulation, the contribution attends to both commonalities and divergences between the four Southern European countries, identifying the main reasons behind the poor performance of their economies and slow recovery from the Great Recession of 2007–2008. It also sheds light on the process of diversification among the four countries and addresses whether it did and still does make sense to speak of a uniquely Mediterranean model of capitalism.



Nicholas Joseph Downing, PhD student in Economics and Management

Lorenzo Bernabei, PhD student in Sociology and Social Research


Ulteriori informazioni:


STS Italia Conference | Call for abstracts, panel 30: Algorithmic organizing and workers’ well-being

Si segnala la call for abstracts del panel 30: Algorithmic organizing and workers’ well-being organizzato da Paolo Rossi e Lia Tirabeni (Università di Milano-Bicocca) nell’ambito della conferenza “Interesting words to come. Science & technology studies facing more-than-human challanges” – STS Italia. La conferenza si terrà dal 28 al 30 giugno 2023 presso l’Università di Bologna. Ulteriori informazioni sulla conferenza sono disponibili qui.

Gli abstract dovranno essere caricati sulla piattaforma della conferenza accessibile da questo link entro il 22 gennaio 2023.

Topics del panel: Health policies, governance and practices in a postpandemic era; Working conditions and organizations interested in and by automation; Algorithmic knowledge, media ecologies and artificial intelligence 

Keywords: Algorithm, control, organizing, well-being, workers 

Contemporary organizations are increasingly adopting an ‘algorithmic’ logic for realizing artefacts, services and, more generally, different kinds of output [Giardullo and Miele 2020]. Algorithms take the form of procedures that support the elaboration of large amounts of data, and these processes affect a growing number of organizations’ stakeholders, including their workers. In this frame, many authors already suggested the role of algorithms in fostering standardisation, normativity, capitalistic objectives, and rationality. Lash [2007, 71], for example, observed that algorithms figure as ‘‘pathways through which capitalist power works’’. Also, algorithms can embed rules of rationality, and are then characterised by inscrutability and normativity: they can be considered to participate in the political, ethical, or accountable [Ziewits, 2016], and are performative [Introna, 2016]. Further, while traditionally, algorithms have been mainly developed to improve production processes’ effectiveness and flexibility (e.g., in smart automation practices), today algorithms are increasingly being developed and adopted for further enacting managerial control over workers. From this point of view, algorithms can be expressively devoted to tackling the issue of workers’ well-being, that is monitoring their health status, promoting healthy lifestyles, and collecting data for the design of public health policies. Workers’ reactions to introducing this algorithmic control of their well-being can take different shapes. While some workers may accept these algorithms, benefitting from the support they supply for the control of health status, others may sharply reject them, claiming their refusal to what they consider an intrusion on their lifestyles. Likewise, different forms of appropriation can be observed, too, as workers can adapt these technologies to their needs and priorities [Bruni, Andrei and Tirabeni, 2022] deviating from the designers’ intents. The diffusion of algorithms and the emergence of an algorithmic paradigm for handling workers’ well-being can be considered an instance of neo-taylorist entrepreneurial strategies. Likewise, the algorithmification of workers’ well-being can contribute to the re-emergence of companies’ paternalistic ambition to care for and control their employees. Still, algorithms can represent a trigger for the increasing commodification of healthcare assistance. Notwithstanding, if we accept the idea of the algorithm as a “sensitising concept” [Ziewits, 2016], then we allow more room for reflection and opportunities for resistance and, above all, for appropriation, that is an issue, this last, which normally goes unnoticed in the current debate [Miele and Tirabeni, 2020]. Starting from these considerations, the panel promotes a reflection on the implications of the algorithmic processes of organizing workers’ health and well-being. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome with a focus on (but not limited to):

– Algorithmic techniques of organizing and workers’ health and well-being;

– Control and monitoring of workers’ productivity through the algorithmification of well-being;

– Acceptance, resistance and appropriation of algorithmic practices of well-being promotion;

– Health and safety of workplace environments under algorithmic control;

– Institutional engagement and arrangements for the algorithimic control of workers’ health and well-being;

– The enactment of control and surveillance through workers’ well-being;

– Neo-taylorist and neo-paternalistic control of workers’ well-being.


Convegno | Lorenzo Bordogna: Uno studioso esemplare

Si segnala il convegno dedicato a Lorenzo Bordogna e coordinato da Lorenzo Pedersini (Università degli Studi di Milano). Interverranno Stephen Bach (King’s College London), Mimmo Carrieri (Università La Sapienza), Gian Primo Cella (Università degli Studi di Milano), Giuseppe della Rocca (Università della Calabria), Anna Mori (Università degli Studi di Milano) e Ida Regalia (Università degli Studi di Milano).

Il convegno si terrà il 2 dicembre dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 in Sala Lauree, presso la Facoltà di Scienze politiche, economiche e sociali dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.

Il convegno sarà trasmesso anche su Microsoft Teams.

Per informazioni contattare


Presentazione del libro “Trovare il colpevole” di Maurizio Catino

Si segnala la presentazione del libro di Maurizio CatinoTrovare il colpevole. La costruzione del capro espiatorio nelle organizzazioni” (Il Mulino, 2022).

La presentazione si terrà venerdì 11 novembre 2022 dalle 11.30 alle 13.00, presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Aula G.018 S. Tomaso, Largo A. Gemelli, Milano.

Seminario | Il Reddito di Cittadinanza tra politiche sociali e politiche del lavoro

Si segnala il seminario Il Reddito di Cittadinanza tra politiche sociali e politiche del lavoro. La giornata seminariale vuole fare un bilancio dei primi anni del sul Reddito di Cittadinanza e delineare le possibili strade di riforma e miglioramento di questo strumento. Il Reddito ha senza dubbio svolto la sua funzione di contrasto alla povertà, proprio in una fase di drammatico peggioramento delle condizioni di vita e lavoro, ma mostra diverse criticità dal lato dell’attivazione lavorativa.

Durante la mattinata le relazioni analizzano il funzionamento del Reddito di Cittadinanza nei suoi primi anni, mentre nel pomeriggio nella tavola rotonda discuteranno delle prospettive della misura Enrica Morlicchio (Università Federico II Napoli), Massimo De Minicis (Inapp), Andrea Ciarini (Università Sapienza Roma e Comitato Scientifico per la Valutazione del RdC) e Maurizio Sorcioni (dirigente del servizio studi e ricerche di Anpal Servizi).

Il seminario si terrà mercoledì 26 ottobre dalle 9:30 alle 17:30 presso il Campus di Fisciano, Aula D’Ambrosio, edificio B dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno. E’ anche possibile partecipare al seminario da remoto utilizzando questo link.


Incontro sulla formazione | La formazione terziaria avanzata in sociologia e demografia. Esperienze e prospettive

Si segnala l’incontro La formazione terziaria avanzata in sociologia e demografia. Esperienze e prospettive.

L’incontro si terrà presso il Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell’Università di Trento nella giornata del 6 dicembre a partire dalle 9.30.

Per partecipare è necessario confermare la propria partecipazione entro il 15 novembre scrivendo a

Presentazione del volume “Sociologia dell’istruzione” di Gabriele Ballarino e Nazareno Panichella

Si segnala la presentazione del volume “Sociologia dell’istruzione” (il Mulino) di Gabriele Ballarino e Nazareno Panichella. Oltre a Gabriele Ballarino, saranno presenti Paola De Vivo (Vicedirettrice del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche), Maria Carmela Agodi (Docente di Sociologia generale), Stefano Oliverio (Docente di Pedagogia generale) e Jonathan Pratschke (Docente di Sociologia economica).

La presentazione si terrà il 19 ottobre alle 15.30 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Napoli Federico II, in Aula Spinelli, via Leopoldo Rodinò 22.